
Artsda 翡翠春曉豐收雕件成雙套組(天然A貨翡翠 18K金墜頭 #34)



    1. 來自緬甸原礦區的天然A貨翡翠,雕件能保存翡翠的最大尺寸,一組兩件,成雙擁有,是收藏的好時機
    2. 天然質好的翡翠在珠寶市場是盛行的高檔珠寶,簡單輕雕表示翡翠擁有高品質,握在手中,即知種地的細緻
    3. 天然翡翠主石琢磨為簡約造型,展現春天盎然氣息,簡單幸福美感握在手中,可以直接接觸翡翠特有的天然冰涼質感,由心感受好珠寶的丰采與獨特,品味一眼可見
    4. 質感細緻的翡翠雕件適合自己珍藏,也是贈與長輩或晚輩的好禮物,表達陪伴的心意,翡翠質感細緻獨特,是喜愛珠寶的最佳貼身之物,與朋友共享更是美意呈現
    5. 18K金墜頭,搭配天然真鑽和紅寶墜飾,設計與眾不同,獨特有質感,品質超越一般業界,物超所值
    6. 品牌10週年,以成雙的珠寶展現誠意,讓珠寶VIP有收藏翡翠的絕佳機會,共享翡翠之美

  • 1. 內容:Artsda 翡翠春曉豐收雕件成雙套組
    2. 附件:Artsda 保證書
    3. 主石:天然A貨翡翠
    4. 尺寸:第一件 50 x 19 mm (18K金墜頭,天然鑽石0.08ct ),第二件 45 x 16 mm (18K金墜頭,紅寶0.09ct )
    5. 附註:僅出貨翡翠主石

  • ◎* 成雙成對,物超所值
  • ◎* 天然A貨翡翠雕件
  • ◎* 限量珠寶,僅有一套

2017年01月15日 12:08







ADEPT: Meetings will be attended by sub-committees comprised of 75 professionals, including legal experts, Presidential Office spokesperson Chang Wen-lan saidBy Jason Pan / Staff reporterThe Presidential Office’s preparatory committee for judicial reform is to have group discussions once every two weeks starting on Feb. 20, which will culminate with a national affairs conference on judicial reform that is expected to take place in June and be presided over by President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文), the office said yesterday.The group discussions will be attended by five sub-committees that consist of 75 professionals in total, including 35 judicial and legal experts and 40 non-legal practitioners, Presidential Office spokesperson Chang Wen-lan (張文蘭) said.“The delegates will be nominated by their peers from jurisprudential and legal fields, with 10 delegates from prosecutors, 10 from court judges, 10 from lawyers, and five from law school academics and professors,” Chang told a news conference at the Presidential Office yesterday afternoon.“The process has been under way for the past two months, soliciting and consulting opinions from the public and the judiciary. We have received about 1,000 suggestions for judicial reform, which were compiled and consolidated into a list of 20 major issues that has been published on the Presidential Office’s Web site,” said the preparatory committee’s deputy executive secretary Lin Feng-cheng, a consultative member of the National Security Council who also attended the news conference.The major issues will serve as the basis of discussion for the five sub-committees at the committee’s biweekly discussion meeting, Lin said, adding that although each sub-committee is expected to hold six discussion sessions in the course of three months, more meetings could be arranged depending on the complexity of the issues they cover.The five sub-committees are responsible for five different areas: protection of victims and disadvantaged people in society; establishment of a fair, trustworthy and professional judicial system; establishment of an efficient and accountable judicial system; establishment of a transparent and inclusive judicial system; and safeguarding social security, according to the office.The committee is scheduled to hold its last meeting on Feb. 13 to finalize the list of participants and topics of discussion.Separately yesterday, Minister of Justice Chiu Tai-san (邱太三) said the public has demanded better governance and accountability from the government after it took office in May last year, while civil servants have been facing increasing challenges.“The justice ministry have brought together several top members of our judicial system and hope they would provide suggestions at the pending national affairs conference on pension reform,” Chiu said, adding that the ministry has a responsibility in upholding the rule of law, promoting democratic development and safeguarding human rights.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES



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